Professional Learning

As defined by Georgia SBOE Rule 160-3-3-.04, professional learning is the comprehensive, sustained and intensive approach to improving educator effectiveness resulting in increased student achievement

  • It is the responsibility of the school principal, Local Educational Agency (LEA) leaders, and state leaders to ensure that teachers and other LEA personnel engage in ongoing professional learning.
  • Professional learning must be consistent with major research findings and best practices that result in the learning of all students.
  • The professional learning component of the comprehensive improvement plan (CLIP) shall organize and direct all professional learning that enhances the knowledge, skills, practices, and dispositions of LEA personnel regardless of the funding source.
  • The LEA plan for professional learning should be based on multiple data sources including, but not limited to, student achievement and teacher/leader effectiveness measures. The plan and its implementation shall be aligned to rigorous standards for professional learning.
  • Each school shall assign the responsibility of a professional learning leader to facilitate the development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the school’s professional learning designed to support and be an integral part of the school improvement plan. The plan for professional learning should be based on multiple data sources including, but not limited to, student achievement and teacher/leader effectiveness measures. The plan and its implementation shall be aligned to rigorous standards for professional learning.

Professional Learning Resources


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