New Students

Welcome to Dawson County Schools!
We are excited to have you and your student(s)
join the 1Dawson family!

Dawson County Schools utilizes a centralized registration process and does not register new students at the individual schools. Please utilize the information below so that your child can be registered for school in the most timely and efficient manner possible.  We look forward to serving you and having your family become a part of this wonderful community.  

WHO MAY REGISTER THE STUDENT? The biological, foster, or adoptive parent must enroll the student. If the student is not living with the biological, foster or adoptive parent, a Kinship Affidavit must be filled out and notarized at the Registration office.



Step 1. Required Documents

Please gather all required documents listed below. You will be required to upload these files at the end of the application. If you do not have access to a scanner, you are welcome to make an in person appointment at the end of the online registration process. Please note, the enrollment system does not accommodate jpeg files due to size and clarity.  All documents must be uploaded as individual pdf documents.  

Step 2. Registration

Please read all steps and information required, then see the link below to complete registration. Do not attempt to complete it on a cell phone or tablet. You will be entering information about your student(s) including contact info, family information and emergency contacts. The system will ask you to create a username and password for the enrollment process only.  Please keep this in a safe place in case you have to log back in to make an appointment or register a second student at a later time. You will set up a Parent Portal account to see grades, etc. once your child is enrolled and attending school. 

Step 3. Appointment

At the end of the registration process you will have a drop down option to upload the documents or make an appointment.  If you do not have the documents available when you complete the registration, the system will not allow you to go back in to upload them.  Please be sure to either upload the documents or make an appointment.  This is the only way we can complete your child’s registration. All seven documents must be provided in order for your child to begin school with us.  Once you have submitted your request you will receive a confirmation, "Thank You", page that will open at the end of your successful online submission.  

Step 4. Check your email and meet with the school

Once all documents have been received and reviewed (either via upload, emailed directly, or an in person appointment), you will receive an email confirming registration is complete.  Please be sure to check your email often to make sure we can serve you as efficiently as possible.  This email will include a records request to your child's former school (if applicable), a checklist that all items have been submitted, and the appropriate contact at your child's new school.  You will also receive an attachment with general information about your child's new school.  If you have school specific questions concerning supplies, after school, etc. please email the school contact that is listed in the email directly.  Uniforms are not required during the school day.

The following documents MUST be uploaded at the end of  the application or delivered to the registration department at The Dawson County Schools Registration office to finalize registration. If you are missing documentation, please note it will delay your child in starting school with us. 

1) Parent/Guardian Photo ID. The parent or guardian must be present in order to enroll student(s) and must present photo identification and verify guardianship. Please upload a pdf copy or plan to present the Parent/Legal Guardian valid (not expired) State Issued Driver’s License, State Issued Identification Card, Passport, or Military Identification Card.

2) Two Proofs of residency in Dawson County.  The student’s parent or legal guardian and the student must be a full time resident of Dawson County.  Please provide your current signed lease agreement or a deed, mortgage statement, or settlement statement.  If you lease your home or apartment a current lease/rental agreement signed by the owner of the residence (must include start date, expiration date, and renewal term if applicable).  The second proof of residency we require is the electric, water, internet, or natural gas bill in your or your spouse's name (within 30 days). If you have not received a utility bill, you may contact one of the four approved utility companies to request proof that service has been initiated. The proof must include Parent/Legal Guardian Name, Company Name, Date, and Service Address.  These are the only proofs of residency accepted.  If you live with a family member or friend, they will need to come to an appointment with you to notarize a residency affidavit and bring  the items above.  Bank statements, insurance, and other pieces of mail are not accepted.

3) Certified copy of the Birth Certificate (copies are only accepted when they are very legible due to the watermark).  If you do not have one for your child, and they were born in GA, please visit the Dawson County Health Department to purchase one for $25.  No appointment is necessary. Birth certificates for children born in other states may be obtained by contacting the Vital Records Department within the state.  Passports are also accepted.

4) Social Security Card (copies are only accepted when they are very legible).  If you have lost or misplaced your child's social security card you will need to come to the registration office to notarize a Social Security Card Waiver.  Your child will be assigned a pseudo social security number until you can obtain a new card.  We are also happy to accept the waiver if you prefer that we not use your child’s social security number. However, we will need a copy of the card in order for your child to receive the Hope Scholarship (also applies to dual enrollment classes).

5)  Current GA Immunization Certificate (3231). Beginning Aug 2014: 7th graders and new entrants grades 8th -12th must have Tdap and MCV. “New Entrant” means any child entering any school in GA for the first time or entering after being absent from a GA school for more than twelve months or one school year. A current and completed (must be marked complete for school attendance; no expiration date) Georgia Department of Human Resources Form 3231 (must be signed by a licensed Georgia Physician or Georgia Health Department) is required by state law showing immunizations. This form may be obtained from the Dawson County Health Department. Students coming from another state or country should contact a Georgia Health Department or a Georgia physician to have their immunizations transferred to GA Form 3231.

6) Certificate of Hearing, Vision, Dental and Nutrition Examination (NEW GA Form 3300 – Revised 2013 – for any child entering a GA school for the first time or any child entering after having been absent from a GA school for more than twelve months or one school year. All students from a Georgia school must provide the 3300 on file from their Georgia school or new GA Form 3300.) The Georgia Department of Human Resources Form 3300 is required by state law. This form may be obtained and completed by a Dawson County Health Department (706-265-2611) or a Georgia Physician and Georgia Dentist. Please make sure that the dental portion of the form is complete.

7) Report Card or Transcript (from the previous school).  A report card or transcript is needed for registering students in 6th-12th grade. This is an official report from the school that allows for correct course and grade placement for the student. Providing this documentation will allow for a smoother transition for your child.

In the event that you have any custody or legal documents please email those separately.  If you do not have legal custody of a child, and they have come into your care due to an unforeseen circumstance, please make an appointment to complete a Kinship Affidavit. 

New students for the 2024-2025 school year
, click HERE AFTER you have collected the required documentation. 

If you have questions regarding online registration, please contact District Registration by phone at (706)216-5888 Ext. 1035. I look forward to assisting you!

District Registrar
Mrs. Lisa Johnson
[email protected]
(706) 216-5888 Ext. 1035
(706) 265  2867 FAX

Central Registration Office Address
517 Allen Street
Dawsonville, GA  30534

Hours of Operation  
Monday – Friday
7:30 a.m.  12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.  3:30 p.m.
                     (Closed for lunch 12:00 p.m.  1:00 p.m.)                        

*Please Note:  July and August are high volume months with many calls and emails.  Every call and email will receive a reply within two business days.  Thank you for your patience as we prepare for the start of school!

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